See The World’s Longest Car That Has A Swimming Pool and A Helipad (Photos)

There are innumerable car models that come with tones of attractive features but none has surpassed the American Dream Limo which is currently making
headlines, thanks to its super exaggerated length and other enticements like a swimming pool, a helicopter helipad among others. The car is considered as the world longest car.

The American Dream Limo, a car that has not only turned heads but also left tongues wagging is owned by car collector and designer Jay Ohrberg of Burbank, California, US. Jay designed the car himself and now hires it out to people through his car hire company. The designer basically designed it for Hollywood movie to display and show in films.

The 100ft long limo has 26 wheels and other stunning features like a King sized water bed, a swimming pool with a diving board and a helipad.

Another interesting bit about the world's longest car is that it was specifically designed to drive as a rigid vehicle but can also be changed to bend in the middle.